
Aim assist world of warships 7.11
Aim assist world of warships 7.11

aim assist world of warships 7.11

Cruisers can be citadel’d at longer ranges by BB caliber guns, but are more maneuverable and can dodge your rounds. While good aim can help, at range your guns will often bounce unless you hit a flat on broadside shot versus another battleship. NOTE: This guide assumes you are in a Battleship and need to make your shots count, as you won’t have many, and that you have a basic idea of how to lead targets and land your shots where you want to. They are the magazine and boiler/machinery areas of the ship. The “Citadel” spaces are the areas highlighted in blue and aren’t scribbled over in red with my skillz.

aim assist world of warships 7.11

The “Citadel” of a ship can best be described by this picture: I will now answer the question, “What is a Citadel?” Notice I landed 6 “hits to citadel” with that salvo. That’s a 2/3 HP Iowa removed from the game in the blink of an eye by a battleship three tiers lower than it, partially because of good aim and partially because of a mistake on the Iowa’s part that I forced him to make. Here’s an example of how AP can quickly change what looks like it could be a bad situation: But when you learn to land AP, the results are devastating.

aim assist world of warships 7.11

For now, I guess co-op’s could be used for this purpose, but the costs for little gain could make it uneconomical at higher teirs. Then you could do another match and tell the bots to move but not shoot and get some practice leading targets. One of the best ways to learn to aim was to put some AFK bots on the other side in the ships you wanted to learn to shoot, then sail over and shoot them from different angles in different spots. Unfortunately, they disabled training rooms. Aiming comes from experience and practice. My current “shoot AP at just-about-everything” policy only really works if you REALLY know how to aim. World of Warships AP Aiming Guide by Tedster59

Aim assist world of warships 7.11